If your child struggles with social anxiety, inattention, or auditory sensitivity, our expert team at Solaris Pediatric Therapy in Houston, Texas, can help. They offer the Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP™) to help your child overcome challenges and thrive in school, sports, and interpersonal relationships. Request an appointment with Solaris Pediatric Therapy online or over the phone to learn more about SSP.

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What is Safe & Sound Protocol?

Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP) is a type of integrated listening system (iLs) treatment developed by Stephen Porges, Ph.D. It’s a five-day intervention that can diminish stress and auditory sensitivity and helps children engage appropriately in social situations. The treatment calms physiological and emotional states and helps improve your child’s communication skills.

What are the benefits of the Safe & Sound Protocol?

Researched-based, noninvasive SSP therapy can reduce the following:

  • Auditory sensitivities
  • Social and emotional difficulties
  • Trauma or anxiety-related challenges
  • Inattention
  • Stressors that affect social engagement

SSP can improve auditory function and vagal regulation of the heart and address problems with social communication. The therapy results in more appropriate social engagement and better relationships with parents, teachers, and peers.

How does Safe & Sound Protocol work?

SSP works by re-tuning your child’s nervous system. It introduces safety and the ability to engage with other people effectively. SSP uses music therapy to help your child better interpret speech and the emotional meaning of language. It results in improvements in the ability to self-regulate, learn, and optimize interpersonal interactions.

What happens during Safe & Sound Protocol treatment?

When your child arrives at Solaris Pediatric Therapy for treatment, they’re given headphones to listen to. The headphones play music that stimulates and improves nervous system function. Children listen to the music for 30-60 minute segments.

SSP treatment is fast, easy to administer, and can enhance other therapies. It doesn’t feel like therapy at all, as most children enjoy the treatment. At-home SSP protocols are available too.

Is Safe & Sound Protocol right for my child?

To determine if SSP is right for your child, the Solaris Pediatric Therapy team reviews their medical history and discusses their social, cognitive, behavioral, and emotional patterns with you.

Providers complete a comprehensive evaluation to determine which type of pediatric therapy best matches your child’s needs and desired outcomes. SSP is a safe and effective treatment for numerous developmental challenges.

If your child struggles in school, sports, or social situations and you’d like them to thrive in their environment, request an appointment with Solaris Pediatric Therapy online or over the phone to learn more about SSP.