0-3 months
- Brings hands to mouth
- Moves arms
- May swing arms at toys
- Hands start to open more
3-6 months
- Holds small object in hand (without thumb tucked in hand)
- Holds hands together
- Reaches for toys with both arms
- Pushes up on arms when on tummy
- Briefly holds a toy like a rattle
- Follows objects with eyes in all directions
6-9 months
- Shakes and bangs rattles
- Brings toys to mouth
- Uses a raking grasp
- Transfers objects from one hand to the other
- Keeps hands open and relaxed most of the time
- Starting to have the ability to pick up small foods like Cheerios
9-12 months
- Able to release an object voluntarily
- Gives toy to a caregiver when asked
- Bangs two toys together
- Turns pages of a book a few pages at a time
- Begins to put objects into a container
- Points to objects
- Stacks 2 blocks
12-18 months
- Claps hands together
- Puts objects and toys into containers
- Waves goodbye
- Uses both hands to play
- Can isolate index finger with other fingers closed
- Scribbles with a crayon
- Beginning to use a spoon and cup
18-24 months
- Can build a block tower using 3-4 blocks
- Puts rings on a ring stacker
- Turns pages of a book one at a time
- Begins holding crayons with finger tips and thumb
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