Activities of Daily Living, in general
Walking: By 12 months, Children can use a spoon appropriately, hold and drink from an open cup, and cooperate with dressing
Feeding themselves By 24–36 months, children should be able to use a spoon, eat different food textures, and express their food preferences, Children can dress and undress with help, brush their teeth with supervision, and use the toilet with help
Toileting: By age 5
Self-dressing: By age 6
Personal hygiene: By age 8–10, but they may still need help
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
Ages 4-7
- Learn to style own hair
- Pick out own clothes
- Dress for the weather: For example, if it’s cold, you’ll need a jacket or coat
- Make the bed
- Clean up toys
- Put dirty clothes in hamper
- Help to set and clear the table
- Help carry and put away groceries
- Help feed pets or walk the dog
- Learn to cut own food with a knife
- Open own containers
- Retrieve simple snacks from known location
- Help with meal prep by pouring, stirring and mixing
Ages 8-12
- Help to prepare simple meals
- Learn to make snacks and easy meals such as a PB&J sandwich
- Learn to use the microwave
- Help to load and unload the dishwasher
- Fold clothes
- Learn to sweep the floors and vacuum with supervision
- Begin to pack own backpack and organize schoolwork
- Help to pack lunch
- Learn to use a calendar/planner to keep track of assignments and important dates
- Identify money
- Save money for special treat
- Learn to make a phone call
Ages 13-15
- Learn to use the stovetop and oven with supervision
- Prepare simple meals
- Help to make grocery lists
- Help with grocery shopping
- Be responsible for one or two weekly chores
- Manage own homework
- Start waking up to an alarm versus Mom and Dad
- Money management: determining how much something will cost, if you have enough money to purchase, and if there should be change
- Discuss body changes
Ages 16-18
- Learn to make healthy meal choices including portion sizes and food selection.
- Follow a simple recipe independently.
- Learn the importance of safety regarding sexuality as well as the dangers of drugs and alcohol
- Begin job training or other volunteer opportunities
- Learn to be safe in the community: getting to familiar locations and using a navigation app on smart phone for directions
- Begin to manage own schedule, being punctual, and time accountable